Permission slip to ride The Gospel Movement Bus
Date of Bus trip:
I give permission for my son(s) and / or daughter(s), to travel via Shuttle/Coach Bus under the leadership of Pastor Melvyn Hayden III. I will make sure he/she has everything they need for the trip. My son or daughter will uphold the standard of dress and behavior that reflects the Christian values that both our School and Church believe. I will not hold Pastor Hayden liable if any hurt, harm, or danger, befalls my child as a result of going on this trip. Any valuables brought on this trip are at risk and cannot be replaced if broken or stolen.
I give Pastor Hayden permission, in the case of an emergency, to take any action necessary to get the medical help and care my child may need. I agree, that if my child is not willing to abide by these terms or refuses to cooperate he or she can be sent home early via Greyhound Bus at my additional expense or I will come and get them from the trip location that day. Finally, I will be responsible to pick my child up on time when they arrive back. (Please check ETA with your child to verify exact time we will get back.)
Name of passenger: ______________________________________ cell#: _____________________
Parents name (print): _____________________________________cell#: _____________________
Parents signature:_________________________________________
I give Pastor Hayden permission, in the case of an emergency, to take any action necessary to get the medical help and care my child may need. I agree, that if my child is not willing to abide by these terms or refuses to cooperate he or she can be sent home early via Greyhound Bus at my additional expense or I will come and get them from the trip location that day. Finally, I will be responsible to pick my child up on time when they arrive back. (Please check ETA with your child to verify exact time we will get back.)
Name of passenger: ______________________________________ cell#: _____________________
Parents name (print): _____________________________________cell#: _____________________
Parents signature:_________________________________________